What is a Silk Press?

What is a Silk Press?

Silk press is a term that has been coined to be the  “new press and comb” (less the grease). In days before, grease was used to protect the hair before using a hot tool to temporarily straighten the hair. Nowadays, silk press experts use a variety of hair products and heat protectants to straighten the hair allowing for bouncy, flowing, temporarily straight hair. 


How Long Does a Silk Press last?

Averagely, a silk press can last for 7-10 days. A shorter duration can be expected if the hair is health compromised and if you live a really active lifestyle. Longer can be expected if the hair is in tip-top shape and with proper maintenance.

Can a silk press damage your hair?

If done incorrectly or if your hair characteristics are not properly considered that is a resounding, YES. Heat tolerance and usage, product selection, hair state, as well as other factors should be considered before even turning on the flat iron. An educated stylist that specializes in silk pressing will be considering all factors starting from the beginning of your session. He/she will be assessing your hair at each stage of the process from shampoo/ conditioning -> layering of product and flat iron. Proper cleansing and conditioning is essential to the silk press service so if your silk press technician is not washing your hair during the appointment, don’t walk away… RUN.

How do I maintain a silk press?
  • Cover your hair nightly with a satin-lined scarf
  • Keep your hair away from water, steam, perspiration at all costs
  • Avoid additional heat as to not compromise the health of your hair. (If you need tips on how to refresh your silk press without using a flat iron – click here)
  • Try not to way your hair down by using excessive hair product. You should not be using hair product between styles, but if your hair needs a bit of something try using a silicone base product or a light oil on your mid-shaft and ends only. 
Is a silk press needed for a trim?
Absolutely not, but it does make it so much easier for both client and stylist to see what is going on with the hair when it is in a stretched state.  For hair trimming, please consult with a professional stylist to ensure the appropriate amount of hair is being cut to allow for optimal length retention.

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